Princess Alice

Sovereign Princess of Centralia

portrait by paintbrushDjinn
character design by CC_Reisz






August 10, Never


Her Royal Highness



preceded by


Princess Alice is the third and current sovereign princess of Centralia.

Alice the Everchild

Despite being an extremely powerful incorporeal being from the distant planet Asteria, Princess Alice always appears on Earth as a young human girl. The Princess's eternal youth and immaturity is her defining feature: she never shows any signs of growing up, and indeed seems to find the idea of growing up confusing and alien on a conceptual level. In the Princess's mind, a child is not a stage of development, but just a kind of person you can be, no different from being red-haired or left-handed.

Although the Princess typically has the appearance and demeanor of a 13-year-old, she sometimes acts and appears even younger. It seems that her apparent age shifts with her ever-changing mood. While some believe this age-sliding is a willful act on the part of the Princess, the broad consensus is that it is innate to her nature as the the personification of childhood.

Princess of Centralia

It was Alice's status as youth incarnate, along with a questionable "prophecy" from Princess Meredith regarding an eternal childlike ruler, that led PrincessJeanette to appoint Alice as her successor as ruler of Centralia. As the sovereign princess of Centralia, Princess Alice is ostensibly the nation's absolute ruler, though in practice she delegates almost all the day-to-day operations of the principality to her adults subordinates, finding it all to be "a bunch of boring busywork". She is, however, very fond of the trappings of royalty, wearing her large, elaborate crown even in situations where most would find it impractical. In situations where she is unable to wear her crown, such as attending school in the prescribed uniform, she insists on wearing something with a crown shape or crown emblem somewhere on her person.

As sovereign, Princess Alice is the commander-in-chief of the CentraliaGuardForces, though she has little practical involvement in its operations. She has been known to occasionally wear a military uniform, especially when she wants to "remind" adult authority figures that she "outranks" them. She was once sent to detention for wearing her military uniform to class instead of her approved school uniform. (Her argument that the Headmistress never specified which "uniform" she needed to wear to class was rejected.) The Princess's military uniform is adorned with what appear to be various medals and decorations, but, when pressed on the fact that she's never been in combat--and, in fact, Centralia has never been at war--she admitted she made them all up to make herself look cool. The only "real" medal commemorates the time she stepped on TsarinaMalice's foot at a conference and pretended it was accidental, which to date is the only casualty in the cold war between Centralia and Discordantia.

Princess Alice's role as sovereign of Centralia entitles her to know where the Fairies come from--knowledge held by very few other than the fairies themselves--but she is sworn to absolute secrecy. The Princess often brags to her schoolmates that she knows where the fairies come from, but when they ask her to tell them, she reluctantly responds that she just can't tell anyone. Naturally, the other children dismiss her claim, assuming she's simply making it up for attention.


The Princess seems to take deep pride in her immaturity, which she views as a positive trait. When she's told she's acting "childish" or "juvenile", she takes it as a compliment, blissfully unaware that it was intended as the opposite.

The Princess is almost always desperate for attention, going to great lengths to impress her subjects an gain their admiration. While, for example, most of her schoolmates travel to and from the school campus by train, the Princess insists on traveling with a full royal motorcade, parading through the streets of Havensborough in her pink convertible, escorted by a squad of police officers and royal guards. (This particular attempt at ostentatiousness tends to backfire: because the other children, having arrived by rail, are congregating at the train station, the only people present to watch the motorcade arrive at the school gates are a handful of unimpressed grown-ups.)

Somewhat ironically, given her position as an autocratic ruler, the Princess seems to have a strong anti-authoritarian streak. She displays a casual disregard for rules and restrictions, much to the consternation of The Handler. When asked why she thinks the rules don't apply to her, she simply replies that rules don't apply to anyone.

Of course, the Princess's attitude towards rules shifts dramatically when she's the one making them. She insists that her status as monarch of Centralia makes her the supreme authority in all circumstances and that her will is absolute. Unsurprisingly, few in her day-to-day life share this view, and she often does not get her way, much to her chagrin. These conflicting attitudes towards authority can interact in peculiar ways. For example, when the Headmistress of DameAdorabellesAcademy forbid the Princess to host a party on school grounds, the Princess simply directed her royal guards to block off a portion of the adjacent street so she could hold the party there instead. ConstablePayne was initially quite displeased, though her attitude changed when she was invited to participate in the karaoke.


The Princess, being a construct of pure magic, has demonstrated a broad array of powers, seemingly having the ability to manipulate reality itself through the sheer force of will. She frequently claims to literally be omnipotent, though the veracity of this claim is questionable, as she often ends up in situations where she's clearly displeased not to get her way, which seems unlikely for a truly omnipotent being. If confronted about this seeming contradiction, she will often insist that she simply doesn't like to interfere with other sentient beings' free will.

As a construct of pure magic, the princess has no physiological need to eat or sleep--however, she was introduced to food and sleep by her Earth friends, and quickly became addicted. Adults working in the Palace of Serenity have nicknamed her the "Sleepy Princess" for her tendency to nap at extremely odd times.


Princess Alice frequently claims to be a deity, though by her own admission, nobody actually worships her. On one occasion she did manage to amass a small group of followers who venerated her as their supreme goddess and obeyed her every whim, but she quickly distanced herself from them, finding the whole situation "just a little bit too creepy".


Princess Lexi

The Handler

Miscellaneous hijinks

Princess Alice's main mode of transportation is Livery, a transforming robot who assumes the form of a pink Cadillac convertible. Although Princess Alice is too young to obtain a driver's license, Livery "taught" her how to drive, though in reality he's doing all the work and letting her just pretend to be in control. (This has resulted in much confusion for the Princess when she attempts to drive a different car and finds herself unable to operate it.) Despite the objections of the boring grown-ups, Princess Alice insists her sovereignty means she doesn't strictly need a driver's license. After all, all Centralian driver's licenses are issued in her name. What's she gonna do, issue one to herself?

Although Princess Alice often drives by herself, if she's feeling especially ostentatious, she might travel with a full motorcade, including escorts from the CentraliaHonorGuard, barreling down the road with lights and sirens. She often travels with the motorcade when she wants to impress her schoolmates at DameAdorabellesAcademy, or to make a grand first impression for foreign dignitaries.

Princess Alice once attempted to scam the Tooth Fairy by repeatedly assuming the form of a 6-year-old so she could lose the same baby teeth multiple times. The Tooth Fairy, who apparently keeps detailed records of every child's teeth, caught onto the Princess's ruse and blacklisted her from further transactions.

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