Guardswoman Robin Ravenswood

royal guard

portrait: キラキラ鱈メーカー3 picrew






Stellar Cavalry




Havensborough, Centralia
QueenCity, Centralia

Guardswoman Robin Ravenswood is an officer of the CentraliaHonorGuard, notable as the royal guard with the closest personal relationship with PrincessAlice.

As a trooper of the StellarCavalry, Ravenswood can often be seen patrolling on her loyal steed, Johnson.

Relationship with Princess Alice

Guardswoman Ravenswood first met PrincessAlice during the Princess's public appearance at the opening of a new children's hospital in SunsetValley, where she was assigned to a minor patrol post. The Princess, while waiting backstage, got into an argument with her personal bodyguard over smartphone case stickers, culminating in her "dismissing" him and demanding to assign a new guard to his position. The Princess selected Ravenswood to fill the role, on the basis that she was "the cutest one here, besides me."

The Princess quickly took a liking to Ravenswood, calling her "my new favorite plaything." The Princess went on to retain Ravenswood as her new de facto personal bodyguard, though this arrangement has never been formalized.

Living arrangements

In her capacity as the Princess's personal bodyguard, Ravenswood resides part-time at DameAdorabellesAcademy in Havensborough. Despite the Princess having attended Dame Adorabelle's for as long as anyone can remember, the school is not equipped with permanent living quarters for her royal guards, so Ravenswood stays in a stock student room in West Dormitory, adjacent to Princess Alice's own room. Because Princess Alice does not need to use a toilet and rarely takes a shower unless she is nagged to, Ravenswood has informally "taken over" their shared bathroom.

Partnership with Peter Pomeroy

As the royal guard assigned to protect Princess Alice at Dame Adorabelle's Academy, Guardswoman Ravenswood has been tasked to work with PeterPomeroy, the academy's security guard, to coordinate the Princess's personal security. Ravenswood tends to let the Princess run free and essentially do whatever she wants, prompting Pomeroy to ineffectually intervene, such as when he attempted to follow the Princess into a crowded city street only to lose sight of her within two minutes. Ravenswood often reminds Pomeroy that Princess Alice, as an unfathomably powerful construct of pure magic from beyond the stars, needs little in the way of physical protection, but Pomeroy nonetheless seems to feel an obligation to at least maintain a pretense of shielding the Princess from outside threats.

Ravenswood tends to regard Pomeroy as a nuisance. On several occasions, he has knocked on her door at strange hours of the morning, waking her up, to insist that she meet with him to discuss "strategy". During these meetings, he tends to scold her for looking at for phone or not taking notes, despite her attempts to explain that she can easily focus on a face-to-face conversation while browsing Blathr, or that she doesn't need to take notes because she has an exceptional memory. Ravenswood learned that Pomeroy attempted to complain to her superiors about her conduct, though they rightfully told him to buzz off because obviously anyone who works under the direct supervision of the Centralian head of state must know what she's doing.


Guardswoman Ravenswood has a strange manner of speaking, often quoting song lyrics, repeating phrases from common signs ("Right lane must turn right, bub!"), and even forming outright nonsense sentences ("Sell my gloves to an unmarried florist or Dave will rent a mausoleum!"), sometimes including non-words such as "brazeeb'd". Somehow, Princess Alice manages to understand her perfectly, though almost everyone else does not.

Weapon and uniform

Ravenswood can usually be seen wearing the typical CentraliaHonorGuard dress uniform, though for some reason instead of a rank insignia she has a small emblem of a strawberry. Sometimes she is seen wearing hot pink body armor with patches of the Centralian flag and her name, R. RAVENSWOOD. As far as anybody can tell, there's no particular pattern to when she chooses to wear this "tactical" gear instead of her normal attire.

Ravenswood's service pistol is a hot pink bubblegun. A bubblegun is a pistol that shoots gumballs instead of bullets. They splat into a sticky mess of bubblegum when they hit somebody. It's totally a real thing. No, don't look it up.

When in her "tactical" garb, Ravenswood sometimes carries what appears to be a large rifle. For some reason, her totally real rifle has an orange tip. (When this was pointed out to her, she just shrugged and said "Sometimes the underwriter of the urban legend really is a carousel operator" before walking away.)

Notable incidents

While patrolling the palace on a stormy June evening, Guardswoman Ravenswood noticed the Princess's toybox had been left open. Upon peeking inside, Ravenswood fell into the toybox, which somehow latched, locking her inside. Ravenswood would remain trapped in the toybox for several hours, entertaining herself with the Princess's die-cast cars. Eventually, the Princess, returning from a playdate, found Ravenswood and set her free.

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