Centralia Principal Highway

Historic Highway

West end


East end




The Principal Highway was the first Crown-funded highway in Centralia. Stretching from Centralia's west coast in ButtercupBay to the eastern border in EdgeCity, the Principal Highway was established by PrincessMeredith early in her reign as a way to promote trade between various regions of Centralia.

When the network of numbered roads known as HerRoyalHighnesssHighways was established in the 1920s, the Principal Highway was designated CentraliaHighway4. Present-day Highway 4 roughly traces the path of the original Principal Highway, though many portions have been bypassed in favor of modern freeways or divided highways. However, the original road still exists, albeit in several discontinuous stretches, and is identified as "The Historic Principal Highway" on signs ordered by PrincessJeanette.

Cities along the Principal Highway

from West to East:
