Nihhus Buaya

DameAdorabellesAcademy Student Profile

Name: Nihhus Buaya

Also Known As: Exchange Student Nihhus, Nihhus the Grand, Nihhus the Important, Assistant Librarian Nihhus, Nihhus who is not An Orphan, Nihhus

Dorm: East Side. Nihhus is far too afraid of the Headmistress, and far too respectful of the Librarian, to break rules. Also, far too easily influenced and gullible, being in the West Side would have been an accident waiting to happen.

Special Abilities: can walk and stand on any surface, at any angle. Teleports when startled.

Known For: Being a conspiracy theorist, being the self-Proclaimed Assistant Librarian, claiming that the Librarian is actually the lost deposed ruler of Rozburg, claiming that the Academy is essentially a Prison to keep magically powerful youngsters and royalty contained, believing practically anything no matter how unlikely, being gullible.

Favorite Course: History of Magic

Least Favorite Course: Forneus's special courses.

Favorite Food: Rolls.
