Holly Claus

magical girl






mascot fairy


associated holiday



Holly Village

Holly Claus, Ph.D. is a powerful MagicalGirl who travels the world for the winter holiday of Candlenights and brings gifts to children everywhere...and also adults for some reason.


Holly is a tall girl of indeterminate age, instantly recognizable by her large, deep red twintails, each of which is topped by a tiny red stocking cap. She wears a special cold-weather magical girl outfit, as warm and cozy as it is frilly and lacy.


Holly's magical girl mascot fairy is Jingle, a small northern cardinal. In keeping with his name, Jingle wears a small black collar adorned with a golden jingle bell. Not in keeping with his name, Jingle is reported to find riding in a one-horse open sleigh to be the opposite of fun.

Holly Village

Holly Claus resides in the eponymous Holly Village. Satellite navigation systems have a hard time locating the village, for some reason, despite Holly repeatedly stating that it can easily be found at the latitude of 92° North.

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