|||| '''Cherry Blossom''' || |||| ''Royal Unicorn '' || ||||🦄|| || race || [[Unicorn]] || || gender || none || || pronouns || they/them/theirs || || residence || PalaceOfSerenity ~-(former)-~<
>PrincessJeanette's apartment ~-(nonmagical world)-~|| || special abilities || shapeshifting || || relationships || PrincessJeanette ~-(significant other)-~|| '''Cherry Blossom''' is a [[Unicorn]] who served as the Royal Unicorn to PrincessJeanette. They now reside with Jeanette in what Jeanette calls "the strange nonmagical world". <> == Secrets and the arcade == As a young filly, Cherry Blossom discovered they possess a magical power rare even among unicorns: the power to shapeshift. Throughout their childhood, Cherry Blossom kept her shapeshifting a secret, not even telling their own family. By the time they were a teenager, Cherry Blossom had developed a routine of assuming human form every Friday night and taking the train to downtown QueenCity to partake in city life. == Gender == Cherry Blossom has no gender. They are simply a unicorn. In fact, they seem a little confused by the gender as a concept. '''Customer:''' Are you a boy or a girl? '''Cherry Blossom:''' I am a unicorn. '''Customer:''' OK, sure, but like...are you a boy unicorn or a girl unicorn? '''Cherry Blossom:''' I do not understand the question. '''Customer:''' Like...what's in your pants? '''Cherry Blossom:''' I do not wear pants. I am wearing a skirt. '''Customer:''' OK. What's under your skirt, then? '''Cherry Blossom:''' My upper thighs, of course. Is this a trick question? '''Customer:''' Never mind, whatever. I'll have a number 3 combo with a Diet Pepsi. ---- CategoryCharacters CategoryUnicorns CategoryPrincessJeanette